Sleep Apnea Treatment
Oral appliance therapy is an effective treatment option for snoring and obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). An oral appliance is a custom fit and FDA-cleared Appliance that fits over your teeth while you sleep. It supports your jaw in a forward position and prevents the airway from collapsing. It can improve your quality of life by getting improved sleep, restore your alertness and health, and also help protect your teeth from Bruxism. Our doctors have over 200 hours of dental sleep medicine and have completed extensive training at The American Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine.
If we decide that oral appliance therapy is a treatment option for you, we will communicate with your sleep physician and provide continued treatment and monitoring to make sure it’s effective and comfortable. We follow each and every patient closely. Each device is personalized and fit for every patient. Digital scans are taken so there is no need for impressions. It’s also a great option for travel!
Call us to schedule a consult to see how we can help you! You can find more information at the American Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine